Can't Drag and Drop Assets from Search into Page

This is a minor problem, but when searching for an Image when editing a page, it will not drag and drop into an Image Widget. However, navigating to that image does the trick.


Once again I cannot recreate this bug with our local Mac system using the latest Firefox and Chrome browsers – dragging and dropping image assets into an Image widget works as expected. I have to wonder, then, if this might also tie into your slow response time issue. We should revisit this problem once we find a solution for that.


We’ve found that this does work when we’re not searching for the image’s title. But when we search, the image widget is not filled with the image asset.


Good catch. I can confirm that this issue of not being able to drag and drop items from the search menu into widgets (at least Rich Text and Image widgets) is present in both Windows and Mac OS.

Thanks for bringing this to our attention!
