Can't get Calendar to show on page

I’m trying to add a Calendar widget to one page so that I can figure out what my RSS feed is going to look like but I can’t get it to work. I have added the Calendar widget to a page called Calendar and configured it. Then I have created a new page called Test Event and set the options in the Meta Data for the Calendar and selected the calendar that I wanted it to show on.

When I go to look at the page in “Preview”, I can’t see the calendar.

Hi Matt,

Does the calendar Widget appear as a full calendar while viewing your page in the Content tab, does it simply show a plain box with text reading “This calendar is empty”, or do you not see the calendar at all?

I see the Calendar in the edit mode only when i disable javascript. When I do see it, it’s a full monthly calendar with boxes and everything.


What JS do you have included on the page or template for that page? Many times we see conflicts because of JavaScript libraries, namely jQuery, being included. Since we package jQuery with the product, this causes a conflict and the behavior you are describing.

I did have the JQuery library included but I removed it and still have the problem. This is everything that is included in my additional head content

<meta charset="utf-8">   
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<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width">

<title>Midwestern State University</title>   
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<br />
<br />
// minimum width of sub-menus in em units
<br />
// maximum width of sub-menus in em units
<br />
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<br />
                               // due to slight rounding differences and font-family
<br />
// call supersubs first, then superfish, so that subs are
<br />
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<br />
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<br />
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<br />
<br />
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<br />
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<br />
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<br />
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<br />
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<br />
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<br />
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<br />
<br />
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I would be curious to know if commenting out the bxSlider JavaScript would resolve this. If not, you might try systematically commenting out JS references until you identify what is causing this conflict, at which point we can look into a more complete solution.

I commented out all the javascript on my page and it still wont show up. When I go into edit the page and go into the settings of the calendar widget and then close the modal popup, the calendar will show but when I click on Content, it goes away.

Could this possibly have something to do with my staging server isn’t working. I have settings in the file but it doesn’t seem to be working.

Hi Matt,

If you’re previewing the page, the configuration of your staging server won’t affect what you see in preview mode, so don’t worry about that

As a quick test, what happens if you simply comment-out (or remove) the entire contents of your Additional Head Content? If that doesn’t help, you should take a look at the template that this page is using and see if you might have additional meta-data code in there – specifically JavaScript code.

Evidently the foundation.min.js was messing everything up. I commented it out and it is working just fine now. How do I add an RSS feed to my calendar?

I just created a News RSS feed but when I click on the link for the RSS I get the following message.

HTTP Status 404 - Not Found

type Status report

message Not Found

description The requested resource (Not Found) is not available.
Apache Tomcat/6.0.35

Hi Matt,

Are you linking to an XML RSS feed that you have created? Is this RSS feed housed as an asset in CM1, or is it located at an external location (on this or another server)? Are you able to manually navigate to the RSS feed successfully when not clicking through the link in CM1?


I know this is an old thread but after we configured my delivery tier a couple of weeks ago, my calendar won’t show anymore. I was looking through the code and it showed to be looking at the correct server address for the dt but still nothing.


Can you trace the traffic and request? For instance, if you load the page in FireBug, you can inspect it. Switch to the Net tab and enable the tracking. It will show all requests being made. Look for the ones pointing to your DTS address and see if the response is returning anything.

Additionally, you can click on the Console tab and look to see if any errors or messages are being logged.

Hey Matt,

Is the IP address of the server you are publishing to available to the public? If so, could you share the link to your Calendar page with me? I would like to take a look at what’s happening with the DTS connection to see if I can spot any errors. Thanks!

It isn’t My network admin has it only available on campus. The only portion open to the public right now is the IP address to Percussion.

I see, no problem. Were you able to follow Daved’s steps above of loading the page while the Net tab in Firebug is active to see if the DTS connection is throwing an error? If you’d like, we could try to setup a call tomorrow and I could look this over with you. Let me know if that would be helpful.

I loaded it and nothing is showing an error in firebug. If you wouldn’t mind doing a remote session, that would be great.


Sure, I will setup a support ticket for us, through which we can identify a time to look this over. Please check your inbox for the notification shortly.

Hey Nathaniel,

I know you help me setup my calendar on my servers and we used the local IP address. Is there a way that I can change it to use the outside IP address to my website? We have an app being developed for us that want’s to use the RSS feed but they cant get to it from the url that I have.