Captcha on Forms


Good Afternoon,
We’re using CM1 and your form builder. Does Percussion offer ‘captcha’ to prevent spam? If not, do you have instructions on how to insert ‘captcha’ on your forms? We’ll be using PHP.

Thanks for your time and consideration!

Hi Alex,

Unfortunately we don’t support Captcha spam filtering with our form widget at this time. Additionally, I do not know of a way to integrate a PHP spam filtering method with our form widget as it is. If Captcha-type spam filtering is a requirement for your form implementation, this might be out of the bounds of what’s offered by CM1. You may want to look into developing your own PHP based form, the contents of which you could housed on your CM1 pages in an HTML widget. A quick search led me to this possible solution, but I’m sure there are others that might suit your needs:…

ReCaptcha may be a good option.…

You should be able to use a mix of the Form Widget and the HTML widget with embedded PHP using the Captcha code in the link above. The Page that the form is on would need to be published as a PHP page to a web server that is setup to render PHP.


This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled Captcha/spam filter for forms.

Are there customers out there who would like a captcha/spam filter for forms within CM1?  I have created this post as an ‘idea’ so that we may monitor it as a feature request.


That’s a great idea but unfortunately, your Form Widget need improvements.

Right now, it’s pretty weak and somewhat extremely limited.  There’s no support for input types (number, date, email, tel, url, etc.), file upload field, multi-page forms (page break field allows you to break up your form into multiple pages and even show progress bar that let’s your users know where they are in the process), and more. The email notification is not very helpful either. It’s all squashed up and you can’t break it down either.

I would suggest you to review your Form Widget and check out features from Gravity Form here: ****

Form Fields -
Conditional Logic -
Entry Management -
Notifications -

Thank you.

I am going to create a separate Idea to keep it separate.