Cascading folder permissions?

Once you have set folder permissions, is there a way to have those permissions cascade down to child folders?

After reading through the details on Access to Content (…) it does not appear that there is a way to make permissions cascade down a folder structure.

I tried modifying permissions [on v2.6 w/ MySQL DB] on a top-level section and then creating new sections underneath (hoping that the permissions would be inherited at creation). The newly created (child) section did not inherit the folder permissions from the parent as I had hoped it would.

I’ve found permissions settings to be generally counter-intuitive in CM1. This starts with the default setting where all editors get write access to everything rather than have read-only access unless otherwise set.

Section and Folder permission inheritance is another area that seems counter-intuitive. You can, for example, deny access to a Level 3 section and then assume that everything including folders are children of that section would be read-only unless otherwise configured. But you would be wrong.

This seems more like a bug than a feature but maybe not?

Nathaniel - what is the status on cascading permissions and a default setting of read only?

Hey Dan,

Other customers can certainly chime in on this one, but it’s been my impression that the preferred method of managing your user’s permissions to certain folders and sections is through creating custom workflows, and assigning these workflows to certain areas of your site. Custom workflows, while a little more time consuming to setup, allow Admins much more granular control over what groups of users can and cannot do in certain sections, and permissions here do propagate automatically down the tree (unless otherwise specified).

To me, workflow in CM1 has made the original folder permissions design less valuable, but I can see where sometimes it’s much more practical to just point to one folder and restrict access to it, rather than setting up a whole new workflow scheme. To that end, I think folder permissions can get the job done, but that’s not to say there’s not plenty of room for improvement in this regard.

My first admin instinct is that folder permissions should be inherited from parent folder and that more restrictive permissions (no access or read-only) are best. This would be preferrable for medium to large entrprise implementations that require multiple webmasters.
I am open to new ideas and am attempting to implement permissions using workflow method proposed above.

It would be nice if rights assigned at a parent level were automatically inherited by the children. That way if I give a user right’s to the parent folder they automatically have right’s to all the folders in that one but if I give right’s to a child folder, that user only has right’s to that folder and anything inside it.

It would be nice if rights assigned at a parent level were automatically inherited by the children. That way if I give a user right’s to the parent folder they automatically have right’s to all the folders in that one but if I give right’s to a child folder, that user only has right’s to that folder and anything inside it.

Hey Matt,

I replied to a similar thread a little while back, outlining how I feel the simplistic nature of folder permissions works when coupled with the power of custom workflows (where permissions do cascade recursively):

I’d be curious if you have an alternate take on this. Do you use custom workflows much in your instance, or do you manage permissions primarily on the folder level directly?

Hey Nathaniel,

We manage on a folder level. All of our user’s have the same Role but I haven’t done anything with the workflow manager.

Can I achieve what I’m wanting with Workflows and Roles?

Hi Matt,

Yes, custom workflows allow for highly granular control over what users can and cannot edit in the system, based on the user’s role(s), the location of the content, and the workflow state of the content.

Here’s our Workflow overview doc:

You’ll want to look over all seven subsections of this doc (in the left navigation menu) in order to understand how Users, Roles, and Workflows it all fit together, and how to assign sections of your site to custom workflows.

Additionally, there have been a couple of threads on here that outline some example use-cases for custom workflows, like this one: