Change asset property from file to image

A number of images were inadvertently uploaded as file assets, not image assets. Is there a way to change file assets to image assets? Otherwise, these cannot be inserted onto a page using the insert image button.


Hi Michael,

Unfortunately there is not a way to do this. Did you use the Bulk Upload tool to do this? I believe the default selection for uploading assets with this gadget is ‘file’ upload, as opposed to image or pdf, for example.

Is there something different you’d prefer to see? Maybe something such as an empty drop down that allows the user to choose a section without a default. Let me know what your thoughts are.

Chris W

Thanks, Chris. The assets were uploaded in bulk, and I’m certain were left as “file” by default. A drop down or way to reclassify the asset would be great. The solution for us was to delete and reupload the images.
