Change how a field is displayed in the Content Explorer?

We have a few fields in content types in our system that represent things like image dimensions, file sizes, and other numeric values that will make a lot more sense for the end users if they have some indication of a unit on them. But we still want to store these data as numbers.

Is there a way, out of the box, to have Rhythmyx display fields in a certain format? For example, if I have a numeric field that has a value of 23, can I display it on the content editor form as 23 KB, without changing how it is stored?

This is a Rhythmyx 6.5.2 system, in case that matters.


I would change the Label under Field Properties to “Size (in kb):” but maybe I’m not innovative enough.

That’s probably what I’ll end up doing, if it turns out there isn’t a “prettier” way to do it. I’d just like to put the units with the number if possible; I think it reads better for the end user. Thanks for the suggestion though.

You can write a pair of field input and output transformers. The field output transformer would add the formatting you wish to display to the end user, and the field input transformer would remove the formatting so only the numeric value goes to the database.

Is there a way to add the KB after the field? e.g.

label, field, second label

image size: | 23 | KB