Change Shared template to Type-Specific template?

Does anyone know if there’s a way to convert a Shared Template to a Type Specific Template? We have a template that was mistakenly created as Shared, when it should be Type Specific (it’s only used for one type of content). I have only ever seen the option on the template creation wizard - I don’t see any way to edit this template property within the Workbench once the template exists.

I did try to drag it from the Shared folder to the Type Specific folder in the navigator, but it wouldn’t drop it on the Type Specific folder.

Thanks for any and all ideas -


Tech Support can help you with this task.


Thanks for the reply.

As an aside, just in case Tech Support is reading the forum - if the answer is posted here, by Tech Support or someone else, it can help the community, and cut down on calls to Tech Support for trivial stuff like this.


Agreed. I second the motion!

I don’t believe there is a way to convert from a Shared Template to a Type Specific one (although you can convert in the other direction) through the workbench. This would likely need to be a database level change.

From an architectural standpoint, there is no difference between a Type Specific Template and a Shared Template which is only used by a single content type. In fact, in implementations I’ve worked on, I’ll generally create the majority of my templates as “Shared” as one limitation of Type Specific templates is that you cannot create sub-folders under Type Specific.

Hope this helps.

Thanks for the information, Michael. I wasn’t sure if there is really any difference between Shared and Type Specific templates, but I’ve tripped on subtleties like that more than once in Rhythmyx, so try to be very careful in how I set things up!


Last I remember, folders in shared templates weren’t preserved via MSM (at which point folders on shared templates became moot for us, especially after refreshes from prod wiped out such organization on our development server). Is this still a feature? :wink:


Yes, Unfortunately, MSM does not transfer any of the Workbench Folder management.