Change to Categories Query URL

Currently out of the box, it seems Percussion is spitting extremely long query result URL for Categories in our Blog.
For example, when you click on Money Mondays, this is the URL (entire URL not showing but if you hover or click it you’ll see it):…

Why can’t it be shorter like (entire URL not showing but if you hover or click it you’ll see it):…

Bump. Anyone?

Hi Raëf,

Just realized that no one replied to you. It could be shorter, or better, not on the URL at all.  We have several enhancement requests related to the blog feature and this is one of them.  I’m going to create a support ticket on your behalf so that the support team can link that to the current feature request. 


Thank you, Nate. Very much appreciated.
But I just noticed your reply is from about 9 months ago. Is there any update on this?

Hi Raef,

This feature change for the Category URL is in the backlog for post 5.4 release. CMS-3683 is the tracking number for the enhancement request.
