Changes in made in Workbench delayed

Strange issue, I am making changes to the global template via the workbench. Saves correctly but I don’t see my changes reflected in the content preview. Close workbench, re-open it look at the global template and my changes are there. Check back about an hour later and they start to show up. It’s like there is some delay. I don’t know how this works behind the scene so I am looking for some information on how this works.

I know there can build up to be a noticable delay between saving changes to User Velocity Macros and the preview reflecting that change, if you make lots of little changes, saving between each. I haven’t noticed it in global templates, but I don’t make many changes to that.


To see your changes, add the HTTP parameter sys_reinit=true to the preview URL and resubmit the URL. This parameter reloads the Velocity Template in your preview.

If you don’t add this parameter, the Assembly Engine uses the cached Velocity template and your changes will not show up.

See “Velocity in Rhythmyx” in the Rhythmyx Technical Reference (Version 6.5.2 link).