Changing the standard search


Does anyone know how to change the standard search to always use the advanced format instead of the simple format?



Hi Georgina

In the workbench > UI Element Design tab > Content Explorer > Searches > Standard > Default_Search

Just change the Initial display mode dropdown to Advanced.


Hi James,

I have already tried editing that and it does not make any difference to the standard search.

The search I am talking about is the one you would get through the Slot editor or any other search which is not through the “searches” view.

Do you know how to edit this?




Try changing the value of the same field on the RC_Search.


Ah ha, great thanks.

Do you know how to change the size of the popup window?

Is there a way to make the search options dependant on role?

Is it meant to allow users to search in all communities?



Do you know how to change the size of the popup window?[/QUOTE]
Rhythmyx does not have an interface to configure this. I believe it is possible, but involves modifying code. One of the developers can answer definitively.

If you mean by Workflow Role, the answer is no. Rhythmyx does not include configuration at that level.

Rhythmyx defines a default Active Assembly Search and Content Explorer Search. You can configure a different default Search for each that affects all Communities. In addition, for each Community, you can specify a different Active Assembly Search and Content Explorer Search, which overrides the default. In Customizing Content Explorer, see “Configuring Community Searches” p. 73 and “Setting New Searches for Communities” p. 80.

Apologies for resurrecting an old thread but is there any way to configure a different Active Assembly Search for different slots? For example, a special search for slots created to contain image content items, with extra fields so that users searching for images can, say, tell it to find only images that are PNGs, or only ones that are a certain width? Another example would be a special search used only with the sys_inline_variant slot, enabling a different display format to be used.

I can’t find anything in Workbench that looks likely to provide this functionality, and I guess this post means if it isn’t in 6.5.2 then it won’t be in 6.6 either. But then it wasn’t until I found this thread today that I had any idea there was an “Assign New Searches by Community” option accessed by right-clicking on the Searches folder, inside Content Explorer, in the UI Elements Design tab of Workbench.



BTW, I should warn anyone tempted to try that “Assign New Searches by Community” option: running it on any of our 6.5.2 Rhythmyx systems displays an error message, then locks or breaks some of the searches so that they cannot be edited in Workbench anymore. It could be something unique about our implementation, but it is too late in the day to investigate further.


is there any way to configure a different Active Assembly Search for different slots?

No, Percussion CM System does not provide this level of configuration.

I should warn anyone tempted to try that “Assign New Searches by Community” option: running it on any of our 6.5.2 Rhythmyx systems displays an error message, then locks or breaks some of the searches so that they cannot be edited in Workbench anymore.

I haven’t heard of this behavior before. Can you post the error? Does restarting the server or Workbench alleviate the problem?


No, Percussion CM System does not provide this level of configuration.

Pity. I’ve added a new poll to the ideas section.

Can you post the error?

See attachment for the error received when trying to use the Assign New Searches by Community option. The errors displays when subsequently trying to open a search were different but I didn’t screenshot them.

Does restarting the server or Workbench alleviate the problem?

It is complicated. Last night neither closing my Workbench nor restating the server fixed the problem. But this morning most searches are back (in that I can edit them without getting error messages about java.lang.Long and something to do with Hibernate, sorry I neglected to screenshot those.) I guess some kind of caching or locking mechanism has timed out overnight. It still won’t let me edit two of the searches, the same two in mentioned in the attached screenshot, but I can view them in read-only mode. They haven’t been edited recently, but it is possible some previous problem has locked them, and then that is what triggered the failure when I ran the Assign New Searches by Community option.

I’d send a copy of one of our systems to technical support, but we are currently having problem with Oracle’s data dump tool. Then again, as the ability to configure different searches by community is of no use to us, it isn’t a high priority.