changing the top nav


Does anyone know how to change the top nav bar? e.g. the one just under thr Rhythmyx logo that contains Content, View, Site Explorer and Help?

We would like to be able to add our own help to the help drop down, has anyone done this or do they know how to edit the top nav to be able to do this?



We’ve looked into it, but we haven’t implemented it yet.

Based on what we’ve found, it looks like the help system is based on

I believe the files used for the help in the applet are found in rhythmyxRoot/Docs/Rhythmyx/Business_Users/

That’s about as far as we’ve gotten… much bigger fish to fry…

…in our case I think we’re more on the scale of a marine mammal


[QUOTE=Andrew Morrison;3145]… a marine mammal

I think you’ll find that’s Cara’s department


[QUOTE=hortonr;3147]I think you’ll find that’s Cara’s department



As I’m sure you’re aware, it’s not technically a fish… and it’s illegal to fry one (in most countries, anyway)


Mammals, fish, some large angry animal, any of the above are appropriate!

So do we really have to edit an applet just to add an item to the help downdown in the top nav?




No, you cannot change the menu in the Applet. You can add links to the banner (which is just above the applet), including new “tabs” if you are clever.

It’s also possible to add “right click” actions to either of the 2 panels in the applet, but the menu bar itself is not configurable.


I should add that Darrell is correct, the Help menu uses Java Help, and it’s stored in a server directory. It should be possible to modify this, but it will take some research (the expert is on holiday this week).


Thanks Dave. I will raise this as a support issue and refer them to this post.

As Dave noted, the Help for the Content Explorer uses Sun’s JavaHelp format, and as Darrell surmised, the files are stored in the directory <Rhythmyxroot>/Docs/Rhythmyx/Business_Users.

I have created a short document explaining how to customize Content Explorer Help:

The ability to customize the content of the Help does not affect the ability to customize the Content Explorer menu bar, as discussed earlier in the this thread.


[QUOTE=hortonr;3147]I think you’ll find that’s Cara’s department


Cheers Roz!

Returning to the original question in this thread, we have had confirmation that the menubar in the 6.5.2 Content Explorer cannot be modified because it is one of “a couple of areas on the Rhythmyx interface that have been protected to ensure functionality is not removed / consistent for users.” We have been given a document called “Customizing Content Explorer Help.pdf” to add pages to the JavaHelp displayed when you press F1.


Would this process also cover the help in active assembley?


No, the Active Assembly interface uses a different format and is not customizable in the same way.



No, the Active Assembly interface uses a different format and is not customizable in the same way.


Yes, the AA interface does not use JavaHelp, but can we edit some html/javascript files somewhere to add a new entry onto the Active Assembly toolbar? Can we poke around in the sys_resources\ps\aa\Menu.js file? (being very careful of course!).

Of course we are always careful!! :slight_smile:

Has anything changed in Rhythmyx6.7 release and can we now customize the top nav?

We opened a ticket on this with Technical Support. The answer returned was no. They do not provide any kind of method/api to add tabs, etc.

We’re working on doing it anyway, with some javascript magic. Not sure when that’ll happen, but we’ll drop a note when we’ve got the details worked out.

Thanks for your response…so we can neither remove any tab(s) for certain communities either?

What we wanted to do was to have 2 communities and have admin role to both. However, one community will have the complete default access to all the tabs, but the second community members should see only certain tabs.


You can’t add tabs, but you can change access to the existing tabs based on role.

It’s in the Rhythmyx Administration Manual, section entitled “Configuring Access to Content Explorer Tabs,” p. 64. (that’s in reference to Rhythmyx 6.6)