Changing TNames in Workbench

“Changing TEMPLATE Names in Workbench”

So as I built my first site in Rhythmyx, I used some of the Fast Forward templates as-is, without first creating a new copy with an appropriate name for the site that I was making. I know, stupid.

I changed that habit soon after, but I am now left with about 10 or so templates that start with “rff” instead of the correct prefix. And these templates are hooked to content types and slots around the site.

So what is the most effective way to bring these items in line with my naming convention? Can I just change the name and any items pointing to them will update themselves?

The Workbench does some magical renaming, but where your templates say something like

#slot("rffList" "" "" "" "" "template=rffSnTitleLink")##

you’ll have to change the names yourself.

Following mdmcginn’s suggestion, i would also do a database search on the template field to find any ones that you may have missed (of course you could start off with the search to identify all the templates you need to fix)

I often export all templates, using the Export option on the File menu of the 6.5.2 Workbench, then grep (or findstr, or use a text editor with a multiple file search facility) to find the templates I need to edit back in the Workbench.

Another long term strategy is to set up dispatch templates, so the hardcoding of template names are in one place - the bindings of the dispatch template rather than anywhere in the source code of any template.
