Checkbox causing active assembly problem


we have some issue with active assembly,
there is a checkbox value in the content editor, when it is ticked and we try to the item in active assembly we get
FATAL exception raised: this.objId.getFieldLabel() is null
the template does use the value of the checkbox to trigger an element
when it is unticked the active assembly is fine

is there a bug with active assembly and checkboxes???

post your code please…

this is declared at the top of the template

#set($lastedited = $sys.item.getProperty(‘rx:Loc_lastedModified’).String)
then later in the code

#if($lastedited == “Yes”)
<p class=“lastedit”><span>last edited: </span>#datefield(“sys_contentlastmodifieddate” “MMMM dd, yyyy”)</p>

in the content editor the field is set up as such
data type - text

What your error seems to indicate to me is that sys_contentlastmodifieddate may not have been added to the editor declaration as a system field. You can either add it or change your date display line to:

$“MMMM dd, yyyy”, $sys.item.getProperty(“sys_contentlastmodifieddate”).Date)


We had similar problems with single check box. How are you declaring the checkbox? Single check boxes should be declared as boolean and not as text and your code should check for true/false and not yes/no. You can check the declaration in workbench.

  • Ravi

Single check boxes should be declared as boolean[/quote]

We did originally try this … then the check box just did not appear in the content editor … where as if it was set as a text value it did???