CheckBoxTree values not retained when validation criteria is not met


I have two checkboxtree controls on one editor and after selecting some of the values in the control click to insert the content item. If some of the validation criteria is not met on the other controls on the ce then the values of both checkboxtrees are not retained.

Has anyone else experienced this?



The checkboxtree has 2 different data sources: the XML that defines the tree, and a “Choice List”, and they BOTH must be present.

The Choice list is in the same format used in dropdown controls. It is defined in sys_Lookup.dtd.

When you have a validation failure, any value which was selected but is NOT present in the choice list will be removed. This is usually the cause of the problem you describe.

I know that it’s a pain to have 2 different lists, but that’s the way it’s implemented today.


Hi Dave

I’ve been looking at this issue again as it is not retaining the values correctly.

If I have a content item which already has 5 checked boxes and I update the item and add 2 more, if on another field the validation is not met then the entire list of checks is lost. From what you say it should of defaulted back to the original list (5 items) as per when I first opened the item.

BTW I do have 2 checkboxtree controls on the same content editor in which it works fine for the second one.


how do we validate in checkbox tree so the user can only select one item from the tree?


We’d like to do the opposite, use validation to ensure that users select multiple items in a checkbox tree.
