Checkboxtree woes

All our 6.5.2 content items have shared sys_checkboxtree controls, multi-valued obviously. Previewing a content item in debug mode produces the expected list of fields until the point the multi-valued checkboxtree field appears in the $sys.item list, giving the following output:

rx:multicodeitem [javax.jcr.Property of type: String]
Error: This is a multi valued property

I then cannot see any subsequent fields which would have appeared below that field (since they are displayed alphabetically). Don’t really understand why it won’t handle a multi-valued property when it knows it is one.

I’m sure I’ve missed something. Not being able to get past this point is stopping me from working out how I can adapt the instructions in the manuals for database publishing a child field to a target child table, to database publish these multiple checkboxtree values to a child table in a similar way. Advice on that hurdle would be appreciated…

[Corrected after initial entry…]

I just noticed this behavior yesterday with a sys_checkboxgroup field, so I am also interested in knowing the answer to this - it’s really slowing down my Velocity template debugging work…


I posted the same message and it’s now been reported it as a bug.


This bug is currently slated for Rhythmyx 6.6. If you need a patch, request one from Tech Support.