Circular Dependency Error

Has anyone encountered this kind of error. I am seeing increasing number of these errors whenever I start up the server.
Any clues please or steps to clean up this issue??

14:26:11,468 ERROR [FolderCache] A validation error occurred while modifying the
folder tree cache. The offending node is being skipped, but an administrator sh
ould clean up the database manually if the error was a circular dependency.
The problem was: the owner is not a folder.
The parent content id = 956
The child content id = 28318
The relationship id = 21328
14:26:11,468 ERROR [FolderCache] A validation error occurred while modifying the
folder tree cache. The offending node is being skipped, but an administrator sh
ould clean up the database manually if the error was a circular dependency.
The problem was: the owner is not a folder.
The parent content id = 956
The child content id = 28319
The relationship id = 21330
14:26:11,468 ERROR [FolderCache] A validation error occurred while modifying the
folder tree cache. The offending node is being skipped, but an administrator sh
ould clean up the database manually if the error was a circular dependency.
The problem was: the owner is not a folder.
The parent content id = 956
The child content id = 28363
The relationship id = 21398
14:26:11,484 ERROR [FolderCache] A validation error occurred while modifying the
folder tree cache. The offending node is being skipped, but an administrator sh
ould clean up the database manually if the error was a circular dependency.
The problem was: the owner is not a folder.
The parent content id = 956
The child content id = 28365
The relationship id = 21401

Do those content ids exists? (As well as the relationships between the two ids?) You had posted earlier that you had manually deleted the items from the database, this might also be a fallout from that action…

Could possibly be…the error says the administrator should manually clean the DB. Does that means we would need to go to the DB, figure out all the related tables, the do another manual delete from those tables?

Based on the msg, it appears you somehow got a folder relationsthip created that has an item as the parent (folder rels should only have folders as owners.)
Verify that item #956 is in fact an ‘item’ and not a folder. Secondly, verify that the mentioned relationships are in fact folder relationships. If so, in the PSX_OBJECTRELATIONSHIP table, remove each of the referenced relationships and restart the server. The errors should be gone.
You can use the following sql (qualifying the table name properly based on the dbms):
delete from [qualifier].PSX_OBJECTRELATIONSHIP where RID in (21328, [other ids])