Clean up confusing error message for Linkback?

This is totally random…

When you go to and click “Linkback” button, I get this error message

Page or Template with id: 1-101-6138 is not in any site folder paths. Page or Template with id: 1-101-6138 is not in any site folder paths. Failed to get site for page: 16777215-101-6138 Failed to get site for page: 16777215-101-6138 Failed to preview page: 16777215-101-6138 Failed to preview page: 16777215-101-6138  ``` com.percussion.pagemanagement.service.IPSPageService.PSPageException ```  Failed to preview page: 16777215-101-6138 

So instead of that, should say “Wrong site. Please check again.” or something like that :stuck_out_tongue:

Link back is not intended for editing web sites that aren’t your own.  While I can agree that the error message should be more user friendly, I think this is an edge case and a minor issue.  We will create a backlog improvement request for this.  CMS-1792 is the tracking number. 
