Cleaning up ObjectStore XML files


Are there any tools or techniques for de-crufting the XML files for each content type that are kept in the ObjectStore subfolder of the Rhythmyx 6.5.2 filetree? We are having problems when saving items, and getting messages in the console, that refer to a reference an old field, cms_loc_desc, which has long since been deleted, in an extension call…

<PSXExtensionCall id="12069">
  <PSXExtensionParamValue id="0">
      <PSXTextLiteral id="0">

…but searching for 12069 only finds the following two lines…

<userProperty name="Control10607_DependencyIds">12069</userProperty>
<userProperty name="Control10607_Dependency12069">sys_xdTextCleanup</userProperty>

…neither of which leads me to the field that might be referencing this field, in something like a validation rule or a transformation, because searching for 10607 doesn’t find any other lines.

Should I just shutdown Rhythmyx, delete the above elements from the XML file, then restart the server?



Deleting the aforementioned sections of the ObjectStore XML file, while the application for the content type was stopped, appears to have worked.