Clearing Orphaned Content

Now I suspect this is never meant to happen in CM1, but I encountered an issue when upgrading to CM1 v3, and by inspecting the database, and coming across some errors when amending templates, that I had inadventently created orphaned content.

CM1 doesn’t entirely like this it seems, and neither do I! Is there a prescribed way of dealing (deleting) this orphaned content, or am I going to have to go into the database and create relationships to “orphans” site and asset folders?

Any advice gratefully received

Can you describe in more detail what you mean by orphaned content? What were the steps you performed that resulted in this occurring?


What happened was that I tried to copy a page content item, and the waiting spinner never went away.

I did some analysis and I believe it was to do with a bottleneck at the database end of things due to an uncommitted implied transaction. I restarted all the services and the problem hasn’t happened again. So it isn’t going to happen again I hope.

The symptom of the problem is that when I go into the Designer and choose a specific template, that of the copied item, I get the error message below, which boils down to

“Page or Template with id: 1-101-1141 is not in any site folder paths”.

Aha. So my item exists as has an ID, but the database lock stopped it being added to any folders. Something simliar has happened to a couple of assets, although they aren’t showing any visible symptoms.

Luckily I can get to the template editor via Edit > Edit Layout > Edit Template so all is not lost, but I would like to clear this up if at all possible.

Here’s the error message:
Page or Template with id: 1-101-1141 is not in any site folder paths.Page or Template with id: 1-101-1141 is not in any site folder paths.Failed to get site for page: 16777215-101-1141Failed to get site for page: 16777215-101-1141

Hi Oliver,

I have seen this before, where a content item (a page, an asset, etc.) exists in the database, but that content item’s folder relationship either never existed or was improperly removed, leaving content behind in this orphaned state. We’re still investigating what can cause this besides the obvious possibility of network interference occurring while CM1 is in the middle of updating your database.

As in your case, this type of database inconsistency can pose a problem when the issue happens to a page content item. Because the page’s template association is direct and not bound by any other relationship, it makes it so that these pages can appear linked to the template, yet you’ll be unable to find and delete the page anywhere in the Finder (causing issues when editing or deleting the template).

The solution here is pretty straightforward, but because we don’t want customers touching their database without guidance from Percussion support, I’m going to create a support ticket for this issue so I can provide you with instructions offline. Please check your inbox momentarily for that.