Cloning items across communities

We have content items in site A, created as content type A, in community A that we now want to copy and paste ‘as link’ into site B. When we do this (logged into community B) and then preview the cloned item as a snippet template we get an error:

Unexpected exception while assembling one or more items: Problem when evaluating expression “$rx.location.generate($sys.assemblyItem);” for variable “$pagelink”: Could not locate the default template for content at path //Sites/QMUL/Media Centre/QM in the news/items/‘Bee smart, bee healthy’ with content type 329 because no default template could be found for site id = 0-9-378

If we swap to community A and preview the item it works just fine.

Any ideas?

many thanks

Hi Richard

Has your template been assigned to Site B?


Hi James,

Thanks for your reply.

Yes, I opened the template and in the ‘sites’ tab at the bottom I added the site B to the ‘Visible on these sites’ list.

I also allowed the template fro content type A as well.


The error isn’t in resolving your snippet template, it’s in resolving the Page template that $pagelink points to.

For the content type of item, you need to make sure that there is a “default” page template defined on the new site. If not, you will get this error.


thanks very much, that fixed it.