CM System 7.2 available on Wiki and FTP

CM System 7.2.0 is available via Percussion’s FTP.

The Release Notes and Guide are available on

[li][Release Notes]( Release Notes.pdf)[/li][li]Release Notes Guide[/li][/ul]

We are excited to start testing this build.

UPDATE: We were able to upgrade from CM System 7.1.0 to 7.2.0 without a problem on our testing instance. Starting with base functionality testing.

Hah, I was waiting for the official announcement :). I had looked at the docs for it and one feature that I really liked was the revision removal…too bad you can’t limit it to a specific content type :frowning: (at least from the documentation, I didn’t see how)

Official announcement would probably be at the User Conference in a couple weeks. :wink:

I’ll dig into the revision removal feature and let you know if it can be set to a specific content type.

We didn’t have enough cycles to enable revision removal per content type. Revision Removal v.2 will include that, as we know it’s the next logical step with this feature. The 4 variables required to execute the revision removal give you a large amount of flexibility across all your content.

We can discuss revision removal v.2 at the User Conference during the CM System Feedback session. Your feedback will help us prioritize it and other features. Go to to register if you haven’t already done so.

Riley, you totally stole my thunder!

Percussion is pleased to announce the release of CM System version 7.2! It is available for download on our FTP site.

New Features include:

This feature allows developers to create Taxonomies and associate them to fields in Content Types, thereby enabling users to use these to tag content in the content explorer.

Link Automation
This feature allows users to automatically convert non-managed, hyperlinks to managed links in Ephox Edit-Live fields in the Content Editor.

Revision Removal
This feature allows admin users to purge specified revisions of all content items in the CMS.

Grouping of Content Types
This feature allows developers to define groups of Content Types to be displayed as submenus within the action menu in the Content Explorer.

Grouping of Templates
This feature allows developers to define groups of Templates to be displayed as submenus within the Preview menu in the Content Explorer.

Vertical Tab for Field Grouping
This feature allows developers to set a property to render grouped fields in vertical tabs in the Content Editor when creating or editing content.

Formatting in Helptext
This feature allows developers to add formatted text with various html tags, static images and links to helptext associated to fields.

Bug Fixes include:

Webdav for Content Types With Hash Fields
Content Types with hash fields can be imported into the CMS using webdav.

The title attribute value of an image in Helptext is rendered as tool tip of the image in IE. In order to fix this, the ‘title’ attribute for help text image icon should be present and set to blank.

Checkbox Group
The checkbox group renders correctly in browsers.

NavSubmenu Slot
To change the out of box behavior of the NavSubmenu slot and make it editable, a new property allowNavonSlotEdit has been introduced. To make the NavSubmenu slot editable, edit the edit the file in [CMS-root]/rxconfig/Sever Set allowNavonSlotEdit = true