CM System Patch for Version 7.0.3 build 201109R01 (Patch id: B-01385)


The latest patch for version 7.0.3 is available and can be downloaded using the links below.

Read-Me for reference:

Rhythmyx Patch for Version 7.0.3 build 201109R01
Patch id: B-01385
Patch Install Toolkit version: 1.0


  1. Shutdown or close all Rhythmyx applications (server, workbench, etc.).

  2. Install the Rhythmyx Patch Install Toolkit by extracting to {installation root}.
    If you do not have the toolkit, contact Percussion Software Technical Support to obtain it. If the toolkit
    is already installed, go directly to step 2. The toolkit is installed if the following directory exists:
    {installation root}/Patch/InstallToolkit.

  3. Extract into {installation root}/Patch.

  4. Go to {installation root}/Patch/B-01385 and run install.bat (Windows) or (Unix) in order to install
    the patch. Uninstall.bat/.sh can be used to uninstall the patch. On Unix systems, the user must have execute
    permissions in order to launch the shell script(s). During both install and uninstall, the following warning
    message will be seen in the console:

    “Unable to locate tools.jar. Expected to find it in {installation root}\lib ools.jar.”

    This message is expected and can be ignored.

  5. As part of original patch RX-17110, Ephox’s EditLive for Java editor was upgraded to version
    (B-01385 now installs Patch RX-17110
    enabled a user to double-click anywhere on an inline Template/Variant to open a new Inline Template Actions
    dialog that allows the user to add or remove line breaks adjacent to the inline Template or to delete the
    inline Template. The [Delete] button on the sys_EditLive toolbar will no longer open a Delete dialog,
    and if a user presses it, it will display a message telling the user to double-click on the inline Template
    to open the new Inline Template Actions dialog. Once users are aware of the new behavior, remove the [Delete]
    button from the toolbar (see “Additional Configuration,” step 6). RX-17110 also includes functionality to
    automatically modify inline elements originally inserted by the deprecated Ektron eWebEditPro editor to
    the format recognized by EditLive.

  6. See “Additional Configuration” for manual steps which may be required after installing/uninstalling the patch.

Additional Configuration:
CMS-96 - add notifyAddHocUsersOnly=true into rxconfig/Server/

Additional Configuration:
TK-01924 - As the control definition in sys_resources/stylesheets/sys_Templates.xsl is changed to make the control work with EditLive 8, any custom EditLive controls
that have been put into rx_resources/stylesheets/rx_Templates.xsl or rx_resources/stylesheets/controls should be compared with the updated definition in sys_Templates.xsl
and updated accordingly, a common example of this sort of customization is changing the config_src_url xsl variable behaviour. This should be checked when first upgrading
from a patch before B-01385.

Fixes Included Patch

TK-01924 Updates for Java 7u45
Oracle added further changes to the security model in Java 7u45 requiring developer changes to the packaging of applet code. This update
addresses these issues and removes security warnings caused by the changes. The required changes are incompatible with changes required since
Java 7u21 to remove warning dialogs. Unless the client JRE is updated to update 45 these warnings will return with this patch to users
currently using older JRE versions since update 21.

        As with previous version since Java 7u21 users may still see a dialog from the Publisher PERCUSSION SOFTWARE and when accessing the Editor form
        from Ephox Corporation.  These will warn the following
        "This application will run with unrestricted access which may put your computer and personal information at risk.  Run this application only if you
        trust the location and publisher above"
        This warning is now required for the applets to function and communicate with the browser via Javascript.  
        If the user selected the checkbox against "Do not show this again for apps from the publisher and location above" they should not see these dialogs
        We recommend that all customers update to this Patch and Java version to take advantage of the security fixes Oracle have added in this release.
		This patch also updates the version of Ephox EditLive to as EditLive 7 is no longer supported by Ephox.  
		This version provides a different mechanism to enable the editor region
		Instead of double clicking on the editor, each editor has a preview and design tab at the bottom (as well as code, if enabled in the config)
		Clicking on design should open the area for edit.  The width value in the control properties can also now be set to 100% to use
		the full editor width if required

Fixes Included Patch CMS-274:

CMS-197 - Webdav PSPutMethod not creating purgable temp file with original filename.
CMS-298 - PSOThumbnailGenerator failing with WebServices Image save
RX-16358 - Validation rules do not work with child tables

Fixes Included Patch CMS-202:

RX-17062 - When trying to insert an inline link browsing to the folder with greater than 130 items on safari on a mac you get a Rhythmyx Server may be down message

Fixes Included Patch CMS-178:

CMS-177 - Advanced HTML search not filtering with specified criteria

Fixes Included Patch CMS-157:

CMS-154 - Pre edition sys_commandtask results in null ponter error on publish

Fixes Included Patch CMS-97:

CMS-93 - sys_HashedFile control fixes and field migration
CMS-111 - Add relationship annotation class, which is used to make custom effect compatible with 7.1

Fixes Included Patch CMS-97:

CMS-75 - JBoss Security Issue
CMS-96 - Email Notification for AD-HOC user only

Fixes Included from Patch CMS-83:

CMS-6 - Email notifications not retrieving mail attributes for LDAP users

Fixes Included from Patch CMS-71:

CMS-68 - Publishing edition caused IllegalStateException

Fixes Included from Patch CMS-33:

CMS-12 - Preview in-line images pulls last public revision if it exists and not current revision
CMS-11 - Preview in-line links pulls last public revision if it exists and not current revision
RX-14956 - Preview in-line templates pulls last public revision if it exists and not current revision

Fixes Included from Patch CMS-19:

CMS-9 - Workflow dialog box does not auto-close after transition in Active Assembly

Fixes Included from Patch CMS-10:

CMS-10 - Unpublishing Error - No such file

Fixes Included from Patch CMS-1:

RX-16114 - A network disruption during publishing (working state) causes the edition to hang.
RX-17077 - Translation for inline links in some cases.

Fixes Included from Patch RX-17101:

RX-17106 - Logarithmic increase in objects.