CM System Patch for Version 7.1.0 build 201204R01 (Patch id: CMS-412)


The CM System Patch for Version 7.1.0 build 201204R01 (Patch id: CMS-412) is now available and can be downloaded here:



Fixes Included:

CMS-367 - Error in the server log while adding pptx, xlsx, docx files to the CMS
CMS-389 - In 7.1 and 7.2 exception occurs when user tries to rename toplevel folder with Navtree item in it
CMS-139 - Incorrect menu options for “drag and drop” context on items from different communities
CMS-172 - Expired Java Certificates in 7.1 and 7.2
CMS-426 - External Jars have expired certificates
CMS-395 - Full Text Indexer never removes documents that error from it’s queue
CMS-396 - Full Text Search Indexer causes “GC Overhead Limit Exceeded” when encountering large numbers of indexing errors
CMS-433 - Webservices fileupload does not set source filename and content type preventing files/images from being processed
CMS-442 - Security error on Administration applet due to combination of signed and unsigned jars

Fixes Included from Patch CMS-303:

CMS-301 - Translation of folder containing folder already translated causes original translated folder to have multiple parents.
CMS-298 - PSOThumbnailGenerator failing with WebServices Image save
CMS-290 - Turning on log4j Debug in WebDav causes file contents to be lost
CMS-270 - Field validation error when uploading item through webdav throws error message saying Content-Type header not supported
CMS-289 - Extensions and validations need a way to identify an item change request has come from WebDav to prevent item from failing to update
CMS-266 - Post-upgrade issue, list of templates do not get filtered by community
CMS-220 - Image height and width not extracted while using WebDav for image uploads
CMS-197 - Webdav PSPutMethod not creating purgable temp file with original filename. This breaks webdav in 7.1
RX-16093 - Workbench taking minutes to load 1st slot
RX-16094 - MSM takes minutes to load Table Schema node
RX-16358 - Validation rules do not work with child tables

Fixes Included from Patch CMS-225:

CMS-75 - JBoss Security Issue

Fixes Included from Patch CMS-212:

CMS-201 - non-editable navigation slot

Fixes Included from Patch CMS-204:

RX-17062 - When trying to insert an inline link browsing to the folder with greater than 130 items on safari on a mac you get a Rhythmyx Server may be down message
CMS-152 - Publish Now edition not allowing more than 1 dynamic content list
CMS-154 - Pre edition sys_commandtask results in null pointer error on publish
CMS-169 - Filtering workflow assignment by community role cause issues
CMS-177 - Advanced HTML search not filtering with specified criteria