CM System Patch for Version 7.3 build 201306R01 (Patch id: 730_20131125)


The latest patch for version 7.3 is available and can be downloaded using the links below.

Read Me for reference:

Rhythmyx Patch for Version 7.3.0 build 201306R01
Patch id: 730_20131125
Patch Install Toolkit version: 1.0


  1. Shutdown or close all Rhythmyx applications (server, workbench, etc.).

  2. Install the Rhythmyx Patch Install Toolkit by extracting to {installation root}.
    If you do not have the toolkit, contact Percussion Software Technical Support to obtain it. If the toolkit
    is already installed, go directly to step 2. The toolkit is installed if the following directory exists:
    {installation root}/Patch/InstallToolkit.

  3. Extract into {installation root}/Patch.

  4. Go to {installation root}/Patch/730_20131125 and run install.bat (Windows) or (Unix) in order to install
    the patch. Uninstall.bat/.sh can be used to uninstall the patch. On Unix systems, the user must have execute
    permissions in order to launch the shell script(s). During both install and uninstall, the following warning
    message will be seen in the console:

    “Unable to locate tools.jar. Expected to find it in {installation root}\lib ools.jar.”

    This message is expected and can be ignored.

  5. See “Additional Configuration” for manual steps which may be required after installing/uninstalling the patch.

Additional Configuration:

B-01299 and D-01189
In an item link relationship, this patch will resolve site and folder ids appropriately even if these ids are
incorrect or if they are not selected from Ephox EditLive content browser. The system can automatically resolve any broken
links based on item location in the folder structure, information from the current page being assembled, information
from the include folder and site selected in Ephox EditLive content browser.

By default this feature is disabled. To enable add autofixFolderSiteIds=true property in 
Root/rxconfig/Server/ file.

This new feature allows the system to resolve the link path based on several criteria:

1.	Only one item: If an item is in only one folder in the entire system this feature should always link to only that 

2.	One or more copy of an item: If a copy of an item is created using copy as link, the system automatically 
	calculates the right item version to link to even if the include folder or site was not selected in the content 
	browser.  If include folder or site was not selected, the system will assume that the link is to the version that is 
	in the closest folder path. Please note that for some unknown reason if such links are still broken, recreating the 
	links by including the folder path in the content browser will ensure that the correct version of the item is linked.  

	Example use case: The original version of an item is in the local site, but you want to link to the copy of this 
	item from another site.

3. 	Multiple sites with same folder path: There may be cases where more than one site is configured pointing to the 
	same folder path. Such sites configurations allow publish the same site content to multiple servers like staging, qa 
	or production. If you currently have this setup, turning on autofixFolderSiteIds feature will log errors to indicate 
	that additional configuration is required. If this feature is enabled in the system and with multiple sites referring 
	to same folder path, we now need to decide the default site and configure rest of the site in groups.  For example, 
	in a Staging and Public sites setup where both configured from same folder path, the public site would be the default 
	as that is the site to which the item will be linked if no site information is provided and staging site need to be 
	configured as site group. There default site must not be configured. The sites not configured in groups are treated 
	as default sites. The site groups are configured using siteGroups.<groupName>=<siteid>[,siteid] property in 
	Root/rxconfig/Server/ file.  For example if staging site id is 305 then in file to 
	create staging site group you need to have siteGroups.staging=305.  In case of multiple staging sites in the system, 
	separate the site ids by comma as siteGroups.staging=305,307.
Modify User Velocity Macros
	An old form of $rx.location.generate used in imghelp macro which comes with the Fast Forward User Velocity macros file does 
	not handle items in multiple folders well.  To make use of the folder and site fixup here, you should change this to pass 
	$sys.assemblyItem as a parameter.  This allows the function to accesse the original site and folderid of the page in caluclating
	the correct folder and site for the passed in node.  Some of the other parameters on this method are no longer required as the
	values can be obtained from the $sys.assemblyItem.  This should be changed elswhere in the template code it is also used with these 
	same parameters.
	Change the following line in User Velocity Macros:
	#macro(imghelp $image $template)$rx.location.generate($template, $image, $rx.location.folderPath($image),$sys.assemblyItem.getFilter().getName(), $sys.assemblyItem.getSiteId().longValue(), $tools.number.toNumber($tools.list.get($sys.params.get('sys_context'), 0)) )#end
	#macro(imghelp $image $template)$rx.location.generate($sys.assemblyItem, $template, $image)#end

The extra warning messages and prevention of table cloning on field deletion will not be available unless Workbench is upgraded. This patch
provides a new workbench version which can be downloaded from the server from the following path.

Review the separate document outlining the changes to Ephox and check if inline template code requires modifications.

Fixes Included:

D-01398 Improve Caching of menu actions where only “targetStyle”,“target”,“launchesWindow” have changed.
If multiple Preview menu actions are created where only these properties are changed. For example if options for different window sizes, this change
prevents multiple calls to the server for the list of templates improving performance.

D-01393 Resolved error when linking to items under //Folders
Adding templates to slots from under //Folders structure was causing an error. It is still an error if we are attempting to generate a location to one of these items
e.g. using rffSnTitleLink as the item does not have a publishing location within the site, but a reference to a callout stored in this structure e.g. rffBrief items or
external link items would be allowed now.

D-01399 Run Incremental filter before all others
Publishing and item goes through a series of steps to filter out the items from the content list query. The incremental filter looks at the last modified date and was running
after other filters. This filter often removes most items from the list most quickly, this has been moved to the first step and should improve performance for building the incremental
content list for large sites where not many or no items have changed

D-01396 Publishing Design Tab takes a long time to load
Improves performance when there are a large number of sites.

D-01402 Slow memory leak when using transactional publishing over many iterations
A reference to temporary files used in transactional publishing was not being cleared. This could cause the memory usage to increase slowly over many days when continuously publishing

Fixes Included from Patch 01383:

TK-01923 Updates for Java 7u45
Oracle added further changes to the security model in Java 7u45 requring developer changes to the packaging of applet code. This update
addresses these issues and removes security warnings caused by the changes. The required chages are incompatible with changes required since
Java 7u21 to remove warning dialogs. Unless the client JRE is updated to update 45 these warnings will return with this patch to users
currently using older JRE versions since update 21.

		As with previous version since Java 7u21 users may still see a dialog from the Publisher PERCUSSION SOFTWARE and when accessing the Editor form 
		from Ephox Corporation.  These will warn the following
		"This application will run with unrestricted access which may put your computer and personal information at risk.  Run this application only if you
		trust the location and publisher above"
		This warning is now required for the applets to function and communicate with the browser via Javascript.  
		If the user selected the checkbox against "Do not show this again for apps from the publisher and location above" they should not see these dialogs
		We recommend that all customers update to this Patch and Java version to take advantage of the security fixes Oracle have added in this release.

Fixes Included from Patch B-01331:

B-01300 Changed parser to remove extra HTMLTidy process and handle content that may not be well formed xml.
Ephox has been updated also to version 9 in this process. This change has many improvements over the existing
field processing. White space and other non xml content are now handled with minimal re-formatting. Spacing
from inline templates is now passed through without change so templates should be reviewed if a particular
spacing/format is require.
See the separate document for the full information about the changes.

B-01321 Preview is not passing additional HTTP Parameters
Extra html parameters set up in workbench for Menus are now passed through to preview url making them available to template.

B-01294 FTP unpublish issue
The file path for unpublish was sometimes miscalculated with ftp publishing causing unpublish failure.

D-01189 Patch for folder and site ids improvements and fixes
See Additional Configuration

D-01024 In content editor, calendar control’s Today button does not populate current date calendar control
Control has been updated to a jquery control. The “time” control parameter is still used to indicate if the
date or both date and time should be used.

D-01226 Adding a field to Contact Content type - Workbench Freezes
Adding and Removing fields no longer causes entire content table to be copied. Changing field data type will still clone
and recreate table. A warning is provided as this can take a long time for large content tables and those containing binaries.

D-01256 System validates for email id for notification even if notification is not enabled in workflow transition
Email address for all uses in transition role was being retrieved from LDAP even when no notification was being sent.

D-01298 Error in assembly is not causing publishing failure
Some errors in assembly were not triggering failure of page to be published and error message would be delivered.

Fixes Included from Patch B-01299:

D-01189 Publishing to Staging server de-activates “Rx inline links”

Fixes Included from Patch B-01297:

D-01282 Update 7.3 patch 7.3 Install may not overwrite Ephox plugin jars

Fixes Included from Patch B-01267:

D-01257 : Inline controls in Ephox EditLive 8.1 broken when the edit live field is in a field group

Applied the patch to both our development and production CM servers, and there was still no improvement to performance. We have cleared caches, restarted servers, double-checked admin settings and the speed is still abysmal in Content Explorer, to the point where it affects our work output and project completion time. This is not good, so we’re putting in a trouble ticket and contemplating moving back to 7.2.0. Did this patch happen to fix anyone else having slowness issues with 7.3.0?

We have had horrible content explorer times up until the patch. Our slowness has been with us since the beginning, so was not just 7.3 prior to the patch. By horrible i mean that loading a single folder would take 30 seconds to a couple of minutes (imagine having to navigate down three levels…not pleasant). Is that what you are experiencing after installing this patch?

Following the patch, the average time to open a folder is about 5-15 seconds. This patch also fixed an issue where the publishing design tab would take about 15 minutes to load (following the patch it takes about 15 seconds…we do have about 330 sites however…).