CM System Patch for Version 7.3 build 201306R01 (Patch id: 730_20140410)


The latest patch for version 7.3 is available and can be downloaded using the links below:

This patch contains the ACL fix as well as the instructions on how to benefit fully from them. In addition this patch contains a fix for the RxFix tool in the admin tab such that it successfully adds binary table related entries to the NEXTNUMBER table. The issue where inline linked images were removed in Editlive fields during preview or publish when it was enclosed in inline link tags. The encoding issue in locales other than English for inline links has also been fixed. Changing system fields no longer has an empty error label to appear as empty instead of defaulting to a regular field label.

The inability to submit the login form using the enter key in IE 8 or 9 has been resolved. There is also included the fix for content explorer not saving the users current location. This patch also contains an update to Editlive 9 to the latest version in order to fix the locale issue from causing EditLive to break. Fixed issue where the Multi-Server Manager was not cleaning up content type application files when failing to install an archive.

When uploading a file while using hashed binaries, the filename is no appropriately used instead of whatever original filename was stored in the binary metadata. This patch fixes the issue where having site folder fixup disabled was causing the inability to access original site information. Lastly Templates.css has had an extra FLOAT: LEFT; removed in order to resolve formatting issues in certain content types such as check boxes.

Changes In This Release

  • Fixed performance issue related to ACLs causing a long time in item selections and menu action loading in content explorer and workbench. Refer to Additional steps for more information.

  • Fixed issue where RxFix tool was not adding binary tables related entries in the NEXTNUMBER table.

  • Fixed issue where the system stripped linked images from Editlive fields in both preview and publish when the inline image was enclosed in inline link tags.

  • Fixed encoding issue with inline content such as inline links when in a locale other than English.

  • Changing system fields may have caused error label to appear as empty instead of defaulting to regular field label. An empty error label on a field should now always cause the correct default.

  • Fixed issue where you could not submit login form using the enter key in IE 8 or IE 9.

  • Fixed issue where changing tabs, minimizing or logging out did not save your current location in content explorer.

  • Updated EditLive to latest version in order to fix issue with non-default locales causing EditLive to break.

  • Fixed issue where the multi-server manager was not cleaning up content type application files when installing an archive where there was no schema provided with the content type.

  • When using hashed binaries, filename is now always using uploaded filename for _filename field and not the original filename stored in the binary metadata.

  • Fixed missing original site information when site folder fixup was not enabled when using location schemes.

  • Removed extra FLOAT: LEFT; in templates.css from .datadisplay which was causing formatting issues in certain content types. If you have a custom field control type that was reliant, then change your custom css as required.

Additional Steps

  • Add the following caches to AppServer\server\rx\deploy\rxapp.ear\rxapp.war\WEB-INF\classes\ehcache.xml
    The “maxEelementsInMemory” is the suggested value, but subjected to change within the documentation.

      <cache name="PSAclImpl_Entries" 
        <cache name="Role_Subjects" 
        <cache name="Community_Roles" 
     <cache name="PSAclEntry_Perms" 

    In addition modify the following caches for ACL performance improvement:

     <cache name="PSAccessLevelImpl" 
     <cache name="PSAclEntryImpl" 
     <cache name="PSAclImpl" 

    For additional information refer to the CMSystem cache optimization document:

  • MSM Server Changes:
    Previously, installing an archive via the multi-server manager with a new content type but missing associated table schema resulted in a column missing error. The content type application had some files left around in the system. As of this patch, the content type is cleaned up if the table schema is missing and throws back an error noting the missing table. When creating an archive using the multi-server manager you must include the table schema alongside the associated content type if the table schema is new or modified. If including a shared field file, you must also include the associated table schema as well.

Thank you Jonathan. Unfortunately I think the zipped patch is missing some files or there’s a corruption as I get an error when i try to unzip it.