CM System Wiki

The Percussion CM System wiki is now live at the following URL:

Content from the following documents, previously delivered in .pdf format, is now available on the wiki and will be delivered and updated on the wiki in the future:

[li]CM System Concepts Guide[/li][li]Installation[/li][li]Modeling and Design[/li][li]Implementation Guide[/li][/ul]
Additional documentation will be ported in the future. Currently, we are in the process of porting the Technical Reference.


Who can access the wiki?
The wiki is open to the public. Anyone can read the content without needing to log in.

Who can edit wiki content?
Percussion Software has sole edit rights for official product documentation on the wiki. Percussion customers have access to the “Community Documentation” portion of the wiki. See “ What is ‘Community Documentation’?” below for more details.

Who can comment on the wiki?
Percussion customers are welcome to register on the wiki and add comments on wiki pages. We will monitor these comments, and when appropriate will modify the page content appropriately.

What is “Community Documentation”?
Community Documentation is your place to contribute. If you have documentation you think should be added to the wiki, add it to Community Documentation. We will monitor the content added to this portion of the wiki to ensure it is accurate and up to date. We will also review this content to determine whether we should include it in the official product documentation.