CM! Version 3.3.4 Build 201310R30 (0) RAM utilizatuion maxed and not being freed

We have an on going problem (since day 1) where RAM on our CM1 windows server
(Version 3.3.4 Build 201310R30 (0)) gets booged down and terribly slow. Task MGR always shows RAM utilization at 7.8 7.9 of our available 8 allocated RAM.
After reboot it clears at speed returns to normal. Mean time between required reboot has been 3 weeks , but has been steadily reducing to near 1 week.
I do not think it is simply RAM allocated , but more that it is not being freed .
Please advise.

Hi Tom,

We are aware of performance issues affecting some of our customers (especially environments supporting concurrent users), and resolving a number of these issues has been and will continue to be a primary focus of ours for the last release and especially for upcoming releases.

That said, you should see general improvements now by upgrading to 3.4 and setting the - Dcom.sun.xml.bind.v2.bytecode.ClassTailor.noOptimize=true property in your system’s PercussionServer.lax, as outlined at the bottom of our system requirements page:

In addition to this, there’s a bug that only affects version 3.3 where edits to widely used templates will cause the system to slow to a crawl for a period of time. If you have been doing any template work recently, you’ll definitely want to upgrade as soon as possible to resolve this particular issue.