CM1 Custom or Community Widgets

Is there a place where I can find some custom or community widgets. Basically we are trying to recreate the CM System form interface in CM1 so we have structure content for our end users. We are looking for dropdown widgets etc.

Hi Joe,

An SDK for CM1 enabling customers to develop their own gadgets and widgets is something we do plan to release publicly, but it is not currently available. I can’t speak to exactly where this is on our product roadmap, but I do know this is something we have been experimenting with internally for some time now.

Hi Nathaniel:

What can we do to create or add in a dropdown widget? Is there no option at this time? Basically we have to recreate the cm system ui for adding content but using widgets. We really need a dropdown widget. Can you have multiple taxonomy widgets on the same page?



What are you trying to accomplish with the drop downs? Is this something where a user will have a drop down of links that the page will jump to when one is selected? Or is this something more akin to a piece of a form?

I am just trying to see if there is an alternative approach that might be used in the time being.

Basically we want a dropdown of predefined values that the user can choose from. In essence we are trying to recreate the form interface of CM System using widgets. Our new content is structured so it requires alot of meta-like information. Having the author adding in html meta tags or typing these values in manually won’t work. We need to control the experience.

If this isn’t goign to work, I will recommend we go back and use CM System since we have much more control there. I really wish we had some way to create our own widgets for cases like this.

The dropdown menus are just a list of values to choose from, not links. Also can you have more than one taxonomy tree in a page? Think web trends tags

Yes, you can use combinations of multiple Tags and Category lists on a single page, with the corresponding results widget on the same or external page(s).


The best way to control the experience for your site’s content contributors, in terms of preventing them from having to manually input HTML, might be to use shared HTML assets that are structured and named in a clear manner, which your content contributors can drag and drop onto HTML widgets as needed.

However, this won’t be of much help in the last example you gave, of allowing your editors to edit your page’s meta tags without touching any code. Of course you can have a baseline foundation of meta tags on your templates that then exist on all pages which use your templates, but if you’re looking to have different meta information on a page-by-page basis this wont be of much help.

Can you tell me the type of information you typically have inputted into your page’s meta tags, and how you intend to use that information?