CM1 Migration to new server

We migrated our CM1 environment to a new VM server but CM1 says it was unable to verify the activation key and we say the error below in the logs.

2015-02-10 12:08:40,294 INFO [PSLicenseService] Calling STATUS method on delivery server: netsuite restlet proxy.

The migration would have given the server a new IP address, and new MAC address, as well as a different CPU id.

Do we require a new activation key?

We have rolled back to the old environment and able to use CM1.



Hello Manjit,

We are creating a ticket for this to respond in more detail, but in a case where you move CM1 to a new server you either need a new key if you need both CM1 instances to run at the same time for a short period, or we can do work on our side to “refresh” you license, then you can enter your existing license key on your new CM1 instance.
