CM1 on tablet device?

Can I use CM1 with my tablet/iPad?

Yes you can use your tablet/iPad/Android to log-in to CM1. However, CM1’s user interface requires double clicking to open pages and many touch screen devices do not support double clicking.

So, just to confirm, I can do anything within CM1 that requires only single-clicking?

CM1’s User Interface is not fully optimized for touch only devices. This however, does not prevent you from logging in performing certain tasks. You may experience difficulties with actions that require mouse gestures such as click,drag and drop or hover actions.

You should be able to do basic editorial tasks, but Navigation and Design would both be out of reach as the system is today.

Is there any updates to this regarding ipads or iphones?

Sometimes I have to do a quick approval and publish for one of our departments and they have to wait for me to get home.

While I agreed with Debbie and Alyce about mobile, I think the best approach is to create a mobile version of the page for approved, quick edit (edit content only, nothing else), able to modify users, and create a new page, like blog, for example. No need to do drag n drop region or anything. I think that will be the best approach and I know you guys can do it! :slight_smile: It’s really not that hard :wink:

We have it set so I am the publisher for all and I run two publishing cycles (Mon-Fri) - one at 9:00 a.m. and one at 5:00 p.m. This gives me time to review the pages (spelling, links, section 508, etc).

My problem is that during inclement weather I might need to approve a banner for the main page and then run the publish. Generally, I have to wait till I get home, if I’m out in traffic when they contact me.

If there was a method I could VPN and log the system on my iPhone or iPad (both work assigned) that would be fantastic! Not really editing as much as just approving and publishing.

Hi Debbie,

Whilst we haven’t made any changes to the product around touch capabilities and it’s not officially supported, there are several actions that can be completed on a touch screen. As Kemal mentioned when he first replied to this post, anything that requires a double click won’t be possible. However, if you use the new Home screen to access recent items, or the pages by status gadget on the dashboard to see what’s waiting your approval, it may be possible to make edits to a page and and publish them. Again, I have to reiterate that we haven’t fully tested any of this, so you might see inconsistent results if you try access CM1 on a touchscreen.

I’d love to hear from anyone else regarding touch support and what actions they would most like to be able to do, so please feel free to comment or vote if this would benefit you.