ColdFusion + Rhythmyx = oops

I loaded ColdFusion on the same server that was running Rhythmyx. ColdFusion worked fine but something interfered with Rhythmyx… (For those who don’t know, ColdFusion is a hybrid web/application server with a Java back-end that works cooperatively with IIS.

I tried uninstalling coldfusion and even restored the Rhythmyx folder from backups… but it still won’t start. I am very new to Rhythmyx and know nothing about JBoss…

I’m assuming “run.bat” is supposed to start the server… it errors out Error: could not open ‘C:\Rhythmyx\JRE\lib\i386\jvm.cfg’ In fact, all of the bat files error out that way. I checked the backup from two days ago when Rhythmyx was still working and that file didn’t exist even at that time.

The Percussion Rhythmyx service is set to automatic but is not running when the computer boots to windows. I can start the service, but it doesn’t seem to make a difference.

Should I reinstall, or is there a simpler way to get the server going again?

Hi Brien

What happens when you run the RhythmyxServer.exe from the root Rhythmyx folder?

This should start Rhythmyx in console mode so you can see any errors.

From looking at the run.bat file it just seems to start JBOSS.


Since its in DOS, I was hoping to pipe the output to a file… but RhythmyxServer.exe pops open a new window even when I run it from the command line.
I see a java error in the middle of it all and managed to pause the screen long enough to see part of the message…

It’s saying it is unable to contact the database because the rxAdmin password has “expired”. Maybe this had nothing to do with coldfusion after all (that would be a relief).

Our installation of Rhythmyx was set up and configured by a vendor. (I inherited it after the budget for training and assistance ran out) . Is there a default rxAdmin password? I’m digging around now for the documentation.

Oh – and where is the Db connection password defined in Rhythmyx?

Oh for cryin’ out loud…

I was able to get the server back up by unchecking the ‘Enforce Password Expiration’ box on the SQL Server. (I would have thought it would force me to change the pasword anyway since the expiration flag was triggered, but it didn’t!)

Even though the problem is solved, I’d like to know the answers to both questions: what is the default rxAdmin password (is there one?) and where is it set in the Rhythmyx configuration files?

The database configuration is stored in the files listed in this post. The install-beans.xml file contains the database password in unencrypted form, which I’ve always considered to be poor security.

I’ve never heard of an ‘rxAdmin’ user. Possibly this was a version 5.7 thing, if your system has been upgraded from that to 6.5.2.

BTW, everything that appears in the console is logged in the console.log file in the root of the Rhythmyx file tree. Easier than trying to pause the output.

I would be interested in your findings about installing Coldfusion on the same server as Rhythymx. This is on our list of things to try but we weren’t sure if Coldfusion could process in preview mode or if we would need to publish to a Coldfusion staging location before it gets pushed to the web server.

Sorry this reply is coming so late. To my knowledge, there is no problem installing ColdFusion and Rhythmyx on the same server. The problems I had during the coldfusion installation were a strange combination of circumstances. We currently have MX7 running side-by-side with Rhythmyx. None of the components interact, so both play nicely on the server together.