communities that appear in the standard search


Is there a way to limit the number of communities that appears in the community dropdown of the standard search? We have an implementation where fast forward was installed so the EI and CI communities appear in the select list. Although we want to keep these communities we don’t want them to appear as part of a standard search. From what I can see this only way to do this is to remove the community altogether.

Is this possible?



Is this true even if the current user does not have access to those communities? If so, this seems like a bug to me.


Hi Dave

Is this true even if the current user does not have access to those communities?

Yes, all roles have been removed from the EI and CI communities and they still appear in the select list. I take it then the lookup for this select list just gets the contents of the rxcommunity table.


Search is only limited by community if communities are included in the search criteria. If a user has no access to an item due to workflow assignment, those items will not be returned in a search.

You can’t limit it for just the search UI, but you can control the community choice list by editing the sys_communityid field of the system def in the workbench. You would need to copy the referenced resource into your own app, modify it to eliminate the undesired communities and change the app reference in the Choices tab of the Control Properties dialog.
I didn’t test this, but I think it would accomplish what you are asking for, but it may not accomplish what you want. I think items in those communities would still be returned unless all the communities were chosen from the list.