Conditional default workflow

Is it possible to put a condition on the default workflow for a Content Item based on the Community or Site the item is created in?

I’m not aware of any way to add a conditional to the default workflow.

The normal practice is to allow only one workflow for each combination of content type and community. As long as this is true, the system will automatically place newly created content in that workflow, even if that workflow is not listed as the “default”.

Is this the behavior that you are looking for?


Hi Dave

Thanks for the response. It’s more advice I am looking for as my feeling is that if two site implementations wish to use shared content types then the structure of the Content Types must be the same including default values of Fields and Workflow.

I am investigating this purely as I believe that trying to force the sharing of Content Types that in actual fact have significant differences, albeit in default values and not actual field structure, is a bad idea.

I believe that where different default values are required seperate content types should be created. Would you agree?

