Contact Snippet Display

I’m trying to display information in a contact snippet. The degree_year/learning_mode fields are located in a table in the content type called degree_multi. I am using this code:

<dl>#foreach($item in $degreesArray)$item
#if($ == “”)##
#if($campusSlot > 0)#slot(“erauCampus” “<dl><strong>Campus: </strong>” “” “” “</dl>” “”)#end##
#field_if_set("<dl><stong>Graduation Year: </stong>" “rx:degree_year” “</dl>”)##
#field_if_set("<dl><stong>Learning Mode: </stong>" “rx:learning_mode” “</dl>”)##

How do I pull the children items from the table to display please?

Thanks for the help,

It’s hard to read your code, but you need to access the items in the child-table in your foreach loop. $item.getProperty(‘degree_year’).String should get you the information that you are looking for.

Thanks for the quick response, I have re-pasted the code for easier reading. Not having dealt with child tables in a content type before I am confused as to where to include the $item.getProperty in the loop? I thought the #foreach grabbed all items from the table?

#if($sys.item.hasProperty("rx:description") || $campusSlot > 0)##
#field_if_set("" "rx:description" "")##
#foreach($item in $degreesArray )$item#end
#if($ == "")##
#if($campusSlot > 0)#slot("erauCampus" "Campus:" "" "" "" "")#end##
#field_if_set("Graduation Year:" "rx:degree_year" "")##					
##field_if_set("Graduation Year:" "rx:degree_year" "")##					
#field_if_set("Learning Mode:" "rx:learning_mode" "")##
#field_if_set("" "rx:description" "")##

Thanks for any and all help!

#foreach($row in $sys.item.getNodes('sys_TableFieldName'))

Thank you that was huge help, it pulls in the fields just fine, only one problem is that one of the fields is being shown as a content ID as opposed to a snippet title link as in the Degree content type. i need it cross linked to the ID and the titl;e of the content type shown.

#foreach($row in $sys.item.getNodes('degrees_multi'))
							Degree: $row.getProperty('rx:erau_degree').String
							GraduationYear: $row.getProperty('rx:degree_year').String
							Learning Mode: $row.getProperty('rx:learning_mode').String

Thanks again for all the help.