Content Browser - issues & hints

Hi all.

I need to gather information about followings:

  1. Why the field Path both in the Sites and Folders tab is always empty for all my websites?

  2. Is there any possibility to make the Search tab the default one?

  3. Is it also possible to show the Advanced search fields as a default?

  4. If I tick the “Show sites” checkbox the system doesn’t show any template preview. Is this issue linked to the point #1?

Thanks a lot indeed.

The version of Rx that you’re using would be helpful.

  1. I’m don’t really understand the question. Where are you finding the field “Path”?

  2. I’m pretty sure this has been answered in the forum previously, I just don’t have a link handy.

  3. Yes. In the workbench, go to the UI Elements Design tab > Content Explorer > Searches > Standard, open your search (usually Default or RC Search), change Initial Display Mode to Advanced, Save.

  4. Possibly linked, but I still need the answer to 1 before I can proceed.

You’re right: we’re currently running 6.7 release RX-16101 patch.

  1. Please see attachment

  2. Someone posted my same question but nobody replied. Please see

  3. Thank you.