Content Browser Popup

We upgraded to 7.1 couple of days back. We noticed that when using the Rhythmyx Inline Link in Edit Live Field, the content browser pop up is not highlighted , it opens and minimizes automatically.

This was not the case in 7.0.3. Any suggestions?


Did you ever get any response to this? We are upgrading from 7.0.3 to 7.2.0 and noticed this as well. Clicking on the ‘insert inline template’ button in ephox causes the content browser window to open up in the background. I see this in IE8, which unfortunately is the only browser our users are allowed to use. Firefox doesn’t seem to have this issue.


No, I didn’t get any response. Better reach out to Percussion Support if it’s a show stopper for you. Let me know if you hear any solution from them.


I submitted a support ticket last week, I’ll let you know when I hear back.


Content browser seems to pop up without a problem using Mac OS X Lion / Firefox 17.

Going to try on a few other browsers and other IE versions

There is now a bug related to this, CMS-356. I have tested IE8 and FF and only see the issue in IE8, but unfortunately our users are only allowed to use IE8.