content editor / content


i’m using rx 5.7. when carrying out some development recently i had to add a new field to an existing content editor. i then found that every single item of content of that content type had to be quick edited and saved before it could be published/previewed.

is there a quick way of achieving this as i don’t think my users will want to quick edit hundreds of content items just to add some information to a few.



Why did you have to Quick Edit and save all the Content Items before you could preview? Did the system report an error? What sort of error?



i have no idea why i had to do it - as with most things in rhythmyx. i can’t remember what the error was. i guess it was something to do with the items being incorrect as the records were not saved to the database with the new field information.

i’m asking the question now as i have to do something similar again and just want to warn my users that they will have to do this if there is no way around it.



There’s no reason that you should have to save all Content Items of a particular Content Type after adding a new field to that Content Type. The worst that should happen is that the Content Items would have a null value for that field; that should not affect either previews or publishing.