Content Editor not rendering for new Content Type

I am a new user to Percussion CM Server. I have just created a new content type and associate templates and made the templates visible the content type, the communities, etc. When I go create a new content item of the that type, in the browser I get the error:

This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.

The top of the stack trace I get from the JBoss server looks like this:

17:06:04,317 INFO [PSServerLogHandler] appid: 0 type: 1 time: Thu Jun 24 17:06:
04 EDT 2010 msg: An internal error (end-condition) was encountered. An unexpected exception occurred:
An unexpected exception occurred. The reason was: contentid may not be null. Please consult the log for further information…
The call-stack was: contentid may not be null
at Source
at Source
at com.percussion.cms.PSSingleValueBuilder.addDataElement(Unknown Source
at com.percussion.cms.PSDisplayFieldBuilder.createControlNode(Unknown So
at com.percussion.cms.PSDisplayFieldBuilder.o00000(Unknown Source)
at com.percussion.cms.PSDisplayFieldBuilder.execute(Unknown Source)
at com.percussion.cms.PSEditorDocumentBuilder.createResultDocument(Unkno
wn Source)
at com.percussion.cms.handlers.PSQueryCommandHandler.o00000(Unknown Sour
at com.percussion.cms.handlers.PSQueryCommandHandler.processRequest(Unkn
own Source)

At wit’s end. Any help would be appreciated.
