Content Explorer Applet Error with JRE 6 update 5

Our Java runtime has been automaticaly updated yesterday at version 6 update 5 (build 1.6.0_05-b13). Since then, the content explorer does not work. We have Java error (see attachment).
What do we have to do ?

I got the same error using Java Plug-in 1.6.0_05 - JRE version 1.6.0_05 Java HotSpot™ Client VM:

at java.util.StringTokenizer.nextToken(Unknown Source)
at Source)
at Source)
at Source)

EditLive! Quick Start applet loaded, though.

My colleague who has Java 1.4.2 doesn’t get this error.

Just did an update to Java 6 Version 5 (build 1.6.0_05-b13) and indeed, the error i get in the Java console is:

	at java.util.StringTokenizer.nextToken(Unknown Source)
	at Source)
	at Source)
	at Source)
basic: Exception: java.util.NoSuchElementException

I have cleared my cache (both Java and browser).

Update: Just to clarify, this error is thrown when loading the Content Explorer and it seems to hang at 83% (Initializing the view)

Until we have a solution, to rollback to the previous version of Java:

In Windows:
Start > Control Panel > Add/Remove > Java™ 6 Update 5

Then restart…

Of course this doesn’t address all the users out there who are not administrators of their machine and to whom the java update may be forced upon…

All current versions of Rhythmyx require java v. 1.6.0_03 or lower. We are planning to expand java support with the next release of Rhythmyx.


Sun Java WebStart contains a stack buffer overflow, which can allow a remote, unauthenticated attacker to execute arbitrary code on a vulnerable system.

Which apparently the following updates fix:

This issue is addressed in the following Java versions:

* JDK and JRE 6 Update 5
* JDK and JRE 5.0 Update 15
* SDK and JRE 1.4.2_17

Cleary JRE 6 Update 5 is currently incompatible with the current version of Rhythmyx. Does anyone have any clue as to whether the other updates don’t allow you to view the Content Explorer as well?



Sun has released alerts to address multiple vulnerabilities affecting the Sun Java Runtime Environment. The most severe of these vulnerabilities could allow a remote attacker to execute arbitrary code.

I can at least confirm that the Content Explorer will load with JRE 5.0 Update 15, but I offer no testimony as to whether or not it has full functionality. It did throw one exception (non-fatal).

we have also had to roll back all our users to JRE 5.0 update 14 from JRE 6

A patch to address this issue will be available for 6.5.2 in the near future.

A patch addressing this issue has been created for Rx 6.5.2. Please submit an email request to if you need this patch.

Thank you!

Just to confirm: is this patch backwards compatible, so that users who haven’t upgraded to Java 1.6 will still be able to use Content Explorer?

Yes, it is backwards compatible.

This post is for users who have upgraded to Rhythmyx 6.5.2, then applied patch RX-13195 (the Java Patch).

Have any of you tried using the Patch un-installer? If so, what were you’re results. If you decide to test on your own, be sure to make a full backup of your filesystem before you try the patch un-installer.

While I think it’d be nice not to depend on the patch un-installer, because one would hope that a patch doesn’t introduce more problems than it solves… but since I can’t get the patch un-installer to work properly, and rolling back a production system is not an option, I have not installed the Java patch on our production instance.

For the record, I have a ticket with Percussion about this problem, and we’ve been going round n’ round. Percussion can’t duplicate the issue.

And if anticipation has reached a crescendo. Here’s our scenario…

We started with Rhythmyx 6.5. We upgraded to 6.5.2 a few weeks ago. Starting with that 6.5.2 (upgraded instance), stop the instance; install the Java Patch; perform post patch procedures; start the instance; do some tests with various content items, menu actions, etc.; stop the instance; uninstall the patch; start the instance; Rhythmyx version is now registered as 6.5.0, and the instance hangs (won’t complete start-up). That’s one heck of a patch uninstaller; it tried to uninstall the 6.5.2 upgrade too.

[QUOTE=vtdarrell;1786]Here’s our scenario…

We started with Rhythmyx 6.5. We upgraded to 6.5.2 a few weeks ago. Starting with that 6.5.2 (upgraded instance), stop the instance; install the Java Patch; perform post patch procedures; start the instance; do some tests with various content items, menu actions, etc.; stop the instance; uninstall the patch; start the instance; Rhythmyx version is now registered as 6.5.0, and the instance hangs (won’t complete start-up). That’s one heck of a patch uninstaller; it tried to uninstall the 6.5.2 upgrade too.[/QUOTE]

Per your conversation today with Technical Support regarding this issue, patch RX-13195 does resolve your JRE issue, however you are experiencing some further issues with the patch uninstaller. The situation quoted above has been tested for on several out-of-the-box environments as well as other customer environments without similar results. At this time, this issue appears to be specific to your environment or setup. Technical support has recently received a copy of your environment and are currently testing.

Further responses regarding this issue will be sent to you directly via email or telephone.

Thank you!