Content Explorer thumbnails missing, result of upgrade to v6?

Image thumbnails are missing from relevant Content Explorer folder views for our current sites. This was working for earlier sites created under v5.

The thumbnails are created by pso_createthumbnail. Is this an issue of XSL code not working in Velocity templates?

Ideally we’d like a fix that would create all the missing thumbnails as well as resolving the issue for new and updated content items.

Thanks for any suggestions.


Have you checked that the thumbnail URL mappings are present in /Rhythmyx/rxconfig/server/ (See the “Customizing Content Editor” manual for further details).

The template id may also need to be adjusted, and if you converted the thumbnail template to Velocity, its ID has changed, and the mappings will be wrong.

If that’s not to problem, please let us know. Provided that your thumbnail template is working properly, there should be no difference between “old” and “new” items.


That worked on our development server, thanks.

We’re waiting till Monday to restart our live system, but it should be fine there as well.
