Content ID Generator

We are migrating data from legacy CMS system to Percussion. We have created the appropriate content types and using Percussion API we are migrating the data.

If we use number range for example 400 to 500, as contentIDs for the new content items we create, would there be any primary key violations or such errors when a user creates items in future through content explorer? In essence, I am trying to see if percussion’s sequence generator for IDs (contentId, workflowId, site Id etc) skips already used numbers?

Rhythmyx doesn’t use the RDBMS to assign new IDs. It uses cached next numbers running ahead of next numbers stored in the NEXTNUMBER table. For more on that, see this and this. That is what we found in 6.5.2, I assume more recent versions are similiar. I can’t see how it could go back and reuse old ID numbers with this system.

If you are using the API to insert the items, you do not need to worry about assigning IDs (the API does this automatically).

If you are assigning IDs directly (without using the API), then you may need to adjust the NEXT_NUMBER table in the repository database. The server does not automatically skip numbers that in use.

I believe that the rx-fix tool WILL check that the NEXT_NUMBER table does not overlap with existing items, but this tool must be run explicitly, it’s not something that happens automatically.
