Content List: Error occurred retrieving rows from generation query

Good afternoon everyone,
I thought I would try the forum to see if someone has some thoughts.

Basically I have created a new content list to pull a list of content items of a particular type. Unfortunately when I preview the content list it gives me the following error:

An error occurred retrieving rows from the generation query.

and I’m not sure what this error means and I’m not seeing anything in the log file that gives me more information.

Here’s the query I’m using in my content list. And it works fine on the Test JSR-170 searches

select rx:sys_contentid, rx:sys_folderid, rx:externalProjectNew, rx:noPageContentNew from rx:stndsProject where jcr:path like ‘//Sites/Standards-EN%’ AND rx:externalProjectNew = ‘false’

Even if I simplfy this and remove the AND statement, I get the same error. Not sure what’s going on.



Hi Shane,

I am pretty sure the content list just needs the contentid and folderid in the select. Try cutting the other fields out. Also if you run the query using the JCR Query test tool (, does it run without error?

select rx:sys_contentid, rx:sys_folderid


[QUOTE=shaner;21072]Good afternoon everyone,
I thought I would try the forum to see if someone has some thoughts.

Basically I have created a new content list to pull a list of content items of a particular type. Unfortunately when I preview the content list it gives me the following error:

An error occurred retrieving rows from the generation query.

and I’m not sure what this error means and I’m not seeing anything in the log file that gives me more information.

Here’s the query I’m using in my content list. And it works fine on the Test JSR-170 searches

select rx:sys_contentid, rx:sys_folderid, rx:externalProjectNew, rx:noPageContentNew from rx:stndsProject where jcr:path like ‘//Sites/Standards-EN%’ AND rx:externalProjectNew = ‘false’

Even if I simplfy this and remove the AND statement, I get the same error. Not sure what’s going on.



Thanks for your help on this Nate. Once I added the rx:sys_folderid to the select, voila seems to be working again. Strange thing is it was working fine when I tried it with the JCR Query test tool ( without that field.


Great. I think the reason the Content List needs the folder id is to determine where things are when doing Assembly and calculating location schemes. Basically those two fields are required in content lists, it would be better if the error message was clearer about that.


[QUOTE=shaner;21074]Thanks for your help on this Nate. Once I added the rx:sys_folderid to the select, voila seems to be working again. Strange thing is it was working fine when I tried it with the JCR Query test tool ( without that field.
