content list previews timing out

Has anyone experienced this problem? We cant preview any large content lists and some of the rxfix checks as it just times out. This sometimes happens with content items too. Any advice greatly appreciated.

What version of Percussion/Patch are you running?

Version 6.5.2, Patch 16145

I am seeing the same thing with about 4700 items on Version 6.7.0 Build 200906P01 (3339) [RX-16935]. Publishing those items is taking over 2 hours, yet the elapsed times do not add up to 2 hours. (It takes a good long while for it to queue up…)

Are you getting any error messages when previewing your content lists? Have you tried testing your content list through the JSR-170 Query debugger? (http://[server]:[port]/Rhythmyx/test/search.jsp)

No error message just the usual ‘page cannot be found’ after a few seconds of loading. The smaller content lists open up fine so its definately the size of the lsit/file

Thanks Lisa. Anything in the console or server log?

No errors whatsoever in server/console log, just ‘The website cannot display the page’ in the browser