Content List

We have about 10 different publishable content types like pages, home page, files, images etc. I was in the process of setting up the content list for the Incremental edition. Is there any advantage of using nt:base in the jsr query instead of listing all the content types in the query?

So the JSR query can be either like:

select rx:sys_contentid, rx:sys_folderid from nt:base where jcr:path like ‘//Sites/MY_SITE%’

Or it can be like this:

select rx:sys_contentid, rx:sys_folderid from rx:Page,rx:HomePage, rx:Image, rx:CT1, rx:CT2, rx:CT3 where jcr:path like ‘//Sites/MY_SITE%’


We have been using nt:base since the start… we did not feeling like updating 600+ content lists every time we created a new content type. So far, we have not had any problems, but ymmv.

nt:base will give you every type defined so if you have allot of types on the server it will generate a bigger data set. If there are only 10 types altogether it should be fine. To me, the advantage to using it is really in maintenance. If you add an 11th type, it will get picked up by the content list without having to edit it. The disadvantage is when you have a ton of types and don’t want to pull them all.
