Content Review

We havea requirement where in we need to send emails to content owners on a date specified in a field of content item. Initially I thought of adding a workflow state and using the transition action to send emails. Though this works, I am trying to see if some one can suggest a better approach. I dont want to create unnecessary revisions by changing the state of the content item.

I haven’t tried this, but it’s possible that you could create a scheduled task that runs nightly (for example) and performs a query for all items whose reminder date is today. This task would then send the emails. This will require some “customization” rather than “configuration”, but it will not result in extra revisions of your items.


Thanks Dave,

I will try this now. Regarding emails, is there any way we can leverage the email notifications workflow uses or do we have to absoluely write a custom code to send them.

The reason why I am asking this is, we were able to successfully send emails through workflow, but when we sending emails through extensions we always get rejected by the SMTP server.