Content Tye ACL problem

One of my content type is acting strange. Even Admins has lost ACL to change. On the workbench, when “admin” tries to open, we get following error

“The ACL for this object does not give you update permission…”

We can open rest of the content types with no problem. Just this one.

Please open a ticket with our Technical Support team <>

You may want to try and completely clearing the ACL’s for the content type in the workbench using this post. Read it carefully as the post doesn’t address your problem precisely, but I have used this method a few times in the past to clear up ACL issues in the workbench.

Technical Support provided with a easier way to resolve the issue.

We created a test user in the USERLOGIN table,“test1”. Login as an admin to the server administrator, and added the new user test1 to the “Default” role ONLY.
Completely exited from the workbench. Launch the Workbench application, and login as your new user test1.
Edit the security ACL of the two content type to provide admin user with the right ACLs.

Exit from the Workbench, and relaunch the application, login as the admin user, and you should be able to edit the content types.

Good, I’m glad they could help.