Contentlist with Dispatch Template

I’m trying to update a Content List to use a JCR query with a dispatch template. When I preview the content list with the default template set to all, the list is returned with all the items with all the allowed tempates.

When I preview the content list with the default template set to dispatch it returns this:

candidates may not be null or empty

When I go into the content explorer and preview a content type using the dispatch template it shows the item using the correct template.

I should also note that we are not using the rxs_ct_shared table we have a customized shared table that we use and there is a default variant field stored in that table. We are also trying this on our test server using 6.5.2.

Any ideas why this isn’t working?



Am I understanding correctly that you want to specify the Template as part of the JCR query? Can you explain what you are trying to accomplish?



I am trying to create a content list that uses the dispatch template to publish the correct template of each content item. In the JCR query I return the content id, and the folder id.

select rx:sys_contentid, rx:sys_folderid from rx:ACADGenericHomePage where jcr:path like ‘//Sites/BGSU%’

I’ve run this query in the Rhythmyx Query Debugger and it returns the expected result set.

When I setup up the content list I set the defualt_template to dispatch and get as the result “candidates may not be null or empty”.

I’ve attached pictures of how I set the contentlist up and results I get when previewing the content list.



I misunderstood your first sentence, but it’s clear now.

The screenshots you attached were reduced in size somewhere along the way and lost resolution. It appears to me, however, that the value for the site id parameter of the Template Expander is “301”. Is that the correct Site ID of the Site for which you are defining the Content List?



Yes 301 is the site id defined in the contentlist.


The error msg means no templates were found that were associated with site 301, or the output type of the template is not Page or Binary. Check your dispatch template for these 2 settings.

Thanks Paul, I switched the output to a text page and that seemed to take care of the problem.
