Context help in Content Editor

I was down at Percussion in London at the Chat With the Chief discussions last week and there was talk about contextual help on the Content Editor.
I can’t remember if this was functionality that used to exist, something that needs be set up, or something that’s just not available any more.
Does anyone know?


Contextual help is not available out of the box in Percussion CM System, it must be added to the implementation.


Thanks, RLJ.

Do you have any documentation on how this can be done?


There is no documentation for this; it’s usually a special implementation by Technical Services. There are a few different approaches. The last I knew, every approach in use involved modifications to system files, but someone from Technical Services might have more recent information.


I raised this issue at the UK forum last week as we used to have this functionality in out 5.7 system. Since we rebuilt our system in 6.5.2 we have lost the contextual help and really need to get it back.

Any guidance from Percussion would be appreciated, especially as we had the contextual help working fine on the previous system.

Given the clunky form scenario of the Content Editors, contextual help should be regarded as an essential feature of the system, not an additional add-on.

Please find the PSOHelpText Package for 6.7 below.

Is this only available for 6.7?
We are still on 6.5.2 and will not be upgrading until we get a patch/ephox issue resolved.

The PSOHelpText package is only for a 6.7 environment, however I have attached a ZIP archive with files that you can deploy manually into a 5.x or 6.x environment to achieve the same results.


Thank you very much :cool:


I’ve moved and to the Code and Snippet Repository forum <>