continued publishing problems

hi all

i have created a new ce and a new cas, created a content item, set it public but it does not appear in my content list. i have never had this problem with new applications in the past and am sure it must be something i have forgotten to do/missed but just can’t work this out.

are there any system/shared fields that are required for an item to be picked up for publishing? is there a query for publishing that i can run in the database to try to investigate why my item is not getting picked up.

i have added the generic out of the box content lists to my edition, but the item does not appear in this either - and i would expect it to as other items from the site do appear.

would be grateful for anyhelp. i’m sure it is something that i have missed, ie a required field or something, but cannot work this out.

many thanks

gggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr - restarting the server has solved my problem - another day wasted!!!
