controlling fonts in ephox callout vs. body area

I update the elj_config.xml file so that certain formatting elements are not available to our end users. This works when the user brings up the ephox control for the content in the body area, but not the callout area.

Should the elj_config.xml file controll settings in both the body and callout areas?


You mentioned in a previous post that you had two config files depending on whether someone was a web_admin or not. Is it possible that the callout field is using the wrong config file? (ie. the code to check that status only checks in the body field. i will assume that you have cleared your cache and restarted rx…)

And of course, you have to change the sys_EditLive control property for both fields in each content type you want to customize. We’ve done it for callout and body in Generic and Brief.

This morning everything is working as expected. I think it may be that yesterday my java cache had the old settings.

Thanks for the quick responses to this thread.